Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Common Data Set data for US Universities

Thanks to Xianjin for initiating this.

I have posted this at ReCom.org - The Worldwide Malaysian Students Network .

Xianjin Teo has taken the efforts to key in the Common Data Set for US Universities, for the benefit of others. He has keyed in the information for a few hundred universities.

Some of the info that he has keyed in include:-
Name of Institution
Total Enrolment
Percentage of International Students
Countries Represented
Tuition Fee
Rooms & Board
Whether Need-Based Funding (Americans/Non-Americans)
Whether Athletic-Based Funding (Americans/Non-Americans)
Whether Merit-Based Funding (Americans/Non-Americans)
Average Financial Aids Awards (Americans/Non-Americans)
Number of International Students Aided
Total Cost
Average SAT Grades (25 percentile and 75 percentile)
Admission Rate
Selectivity Rating

The info is in Excel file. Anyone can help to store the file, and we can direct ReComers to go there and download it.

In the mean time, if anyone wants the file, do let me know.

If you are interested to work with him to further enhance this data compilation, into perhaps even a site for people to search the universities, do post it here. He would be monitoring it here.

Some of the notes that he has prepared.

Notes regarding the cost figures in the spreadsheet
1. Most of the figures are obtained from the colleges' common data set 2007-2008 if available.
2. Figures that haven't been cross-referenced have been entered as text, indicated by a green arrow/ a hyphen entered before the figure (does not affect calculations).
3. The above figures are only 70% accurate as of 2005-2006 and should be only used as a rough reference/estimate to calculate the cost of attendance per annum (Total cost).

Notes regarding middle 50% SAT scores in the spreadsheet
1. The scores are obtained from Princeton Review.
2. The scores are the average per section, where the lowest and highest are taken when colleges post different scores for each section. (i.e. 560-640 for Maths and 600-680 for Critical Reading would generate a 560-680 figure)
3. Average interquartile range of SAT scores is 100.
4. 90% of cases where a certain section's average is significantly higher, the critical reading score will be higher than the maths score.
5. ACT scores are converted where SAT scores aren't available.
6. A considerable amount of colleges do not regard the writing section of the SAT I.
7. Scores from admitted students are on average lower than the scores of accepted students.

Additional notes
1. The Princeton Review selectivity rating is to be viewed in tandem with the other information provided as there are non-quantifiable factors in the admissions game.
2. Some of the cells are unfilled, resulting in a unrealistic 'Total cost'.
3. Colleges which provide Merit aid and Need-based aid usually award a higher amount of merit aid per person, thereby making figures unreliable.
4. Disclaimer: Teo Xianjin will not be held responsible for any inaccuracies in any of the figures and for the consequences resulting from the usage of the figures in the spreadsheet.

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