Saturday, November 08, 2008

Malaysia Think Tank Newsletter November 2008

Newsletter from Malaysia Think Tank.
Issue 1, November 2008

Welcome to the first issue of the Malaysia Think Tank's Wau Bebas newsletter


The webportal (The Kite of Freedom) is one of the Malaysia Think Tank's key activities, alongside the Libertarian Education Project (LEAP) and Project to Advance Democratic Institutions (PADI). In partnership with Cato Institute, we syndicate the writings of libertarian thinkers and activists in Malay and English. Our mission is to make the platform for education and sharing of libertarian ideas in the region, particularly on issues such as individual liberty, free markets, limited government and rule of law.

The Malaysia Think Tank's mission is to encourage the adoption of libertarian ideas in Malaysia by:

  • Publishing relevant materials and hosting events to promote them
  • Commissioning new research articles by thinkers with fresh perspectives
  • Organising lectures and seminars to enable frank discussion with policymakers, academics, leading figures in civil society, the business community and other professionals
  • Producing policy proposals underpinned by robust research to directly tackle issues of public concern
  • Providing a platform where Malaysians of all ethnic and religious backgrounds can advance the ideals of liberty and justice espoused in the Proclamation of Independence and Federal Constitution

MTT is driven by libertarian (classical liberal) ideas, supporting the principles of free individuals, free markets, limited government, and the rule of law. We are run by an Executive Board supported by an Advisory Board and International Advisers. Further details about MTT can be found here.

The Malaysia Think Tank welcomes two prominent Malaysians into its Advisory Board

 The MTT is proud to welcome two prominent Malaysians into its Advisory Board. Datuk Azman Ujang, Chairman of the Malaysian Press Institute and former General Manager of Bernama joined in September; and Dato' Dr Michael Yeoh, CEO of the Asian Strategy and Leadership Institute and a Commissioner on Malaysia's Human Rights Commission (SUHAKAM) joined in October. Further news can be found here for Datuk Azman Ujang, and here for Dato' Dr Michael Yeoh.

Regulators Cannot Avert Next Crisis

By Johan Norberg

 The problem with regulation is that it is always a response to the last crisis. Generals fight the last war and always try to avoid the mistakes made then. So we get new rules that target the mistakes that everybody already knows they must avoid. The next possible crisis and its causes are so far unknown, and our regulations may have no effect or even make them worse. Read more

Blame Bad Rules, Not Capitalism

By Eamonn Butler

 This crisis was not caused by capitalism being fatally flawed. It was caused by politicians forcing the banks to give out bad loans, monetary authorities flooding the West with cheap credit and regulators being asleep at the wheel. Read more

Menyekat totalitarianisme agama

Oleh Mustafa Akyol

 Jika kita bercakap dengan seorang Muslim tradisionalis, kita akan mendengar mengenai kepentingan mematuhi perintah Allah, perlunya kita bersyukur untuk rezeki yang kita terima, dan kenapa kita perlu mendidik anak-anak dengan akhlaq yang baik. Tetapi jika kita berbicara dengan seorang Islamis, kita akan mendengar mengenai keburukan Barat dan betapa Islam akan "menyelamatkan" manusia daripada kapitalis, imperialis, atau Zionis. Mungkin juga tidak pelik jika katakan bahawa tatkala seorang Muslim tradisional melihat idea-idea sosialis-marxis sebagai fahaman buruk yang menolak ketuhanan, golongan Islamis pula agak berminat dan ada yang menganuti idea-idea ini. Baca seterusnya

Bagaimana Memperbaiki Mutu Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Keluarga

Oleh Afif Bahardin

 Perkhidmatan Kesihatan Keluarga di Malaysia, dengan hanya bayaran RM1, pesakit akan memperolehi perkhidmatan konsultasi, perkhidmatan ujian makmal dan juga bekalan ubatan (sehingga untuk bekalan selama tiga bulan) sekaligus. Malangnya ini semua adalah kemajuan dari segi infrakstruktur fizikal sahaja dan popular di kalangan komuniti kerana kos yang rendah. Kualiti dan keberkesanan perkhidmatan yang disediakan masih merungsingkan. Baca seterusnya

The Waubebas Newsletter is a free monthly newsletter produced by the Malaysia Think Tank ( For more information about the newsletter and our organization, please visit our website. If you wish to subscribe to this free weekly newsletter or update your address, please send an e-mail to


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