Saturday, January 19, 2008

Festival VidéEau

The Festival VidéEau is an international competition for video clips organized by the International Secretariat for Water (ISW), in preparation for the International "Water and Film" Events that will take place in Istanbul in 2009, within the context of the 5th World Water Forum.

The Festival VidéEau invites young people aged from 17 to 30, to submit 90 second or shorter video clips on the theme "Water, People and Sustainable Development". The winners of the competition will be announced at a prize-giving ceremony to be held during the World Youth Congress, taking place in Quebec, Canada, from 10 to 21 August 2008.

The winners of the Festival VidéEau will automatically be selected for the official competition of the International "Water and Film" events.

The prizes for the three winning clips will be:
First prize: 2000$US
Second prize: 1500$US
Third prize: 1000$US

For further information, see or contact:

Marianne Strauss
International Secretariat for Water

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