Thursday, March 27, 2008

Congrats to US University Admits

For US University Admissions, would like to convey my latest congrats to:-

(The actual figures for Malaysia could be higher, below are those who I have found out)
Chicago (5 admits and 2 wait list) - Su Ann, Eu Win, Michelle, Jin Tik, Vincent (Wait List: Yi Xiang, Li Xian)

Dartmouth (1 admit) - Amy Ang (MBA at Tuck)

MIT (1 admit)

Northwestern (6 admits and 5 wait lists) - Mei Yueh, Chia Chyuan, Yoke Peng, Tong Wei, Josh Foo, Fiona (Wait List: Sabrina, Julia, Jia Mun, Claire, Chun How)

NYU (2 admits) - Su Ann, Vincent Ang

Rice (1 admit) - Sabrina

UPenn (1 wait list) - (Wait List: Amy Ang (MBA)

Virginia (1 admit)

Congrats! To all those on wait-list, do hope that you work hard to turn your wait list into reality!

An interesting commonality of those 11 who got Northwestern or on wait-list for Northwestern. They all apply to Cornell. :)

Good Luck to all of you who are still waiting for admission decision for other universities!!! Am sure you guys are excited about the Super Tuesday, 1st April (aka April Fool Day)... :)

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