Tuesday, April 01, 2008

US Universities Admission - Malaysia

Updates including some of the Ivy League universities for Class of 2012, where decision is out this morning. It is not complete info yet. Anyone with more updates, do let me know!

Special Congrats to Jia Hui for grabbing 4 Ivies! (Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth), plus Washington and Wesleyan!

Congrats to the rest too!

Last updated at 7:25pm on 2nd April 2008.

(The actual figures for Malaysia admits to could be higher, below are those who I have found out)

Berkeley (5 admits) - Sivapratha, Wen Jian, Ern Sheong, Elaine Wong, Hanin

Boston (1 admit) - Josh Foo

Bowdoin (1 admit) - Kartik

Brown (1 admit) - Julia

Carnegie Mellon University (9 admits, 1 wait list) - Claire, Yiling, Julia, Mei Yueh, Liang Yeet, Yoke Peng, Koon Hua, Yi Xiang, Chun How (Wait List: Wan Xin)

Chicago (6 admits and 2 wait list) - Su Ann, Eu Win, Michelle, Jin Tik, Vincent, Kartik (Wait List: Yi Xiang, Li Xian)

Colgate (1 admit) - Kartik

Columbia (3 admits, 3 wait list) - Su Ann, Mei Yueh (Wait List: Claire, Eu Win, Chun How)

Cornell (3 admits, 4 wait lists) - Ken Hui (Early Decision), Ern Sheong, Jia Hui (Wait List: Jin Tik, Sabrina, Yi Ling, Eu Win)

Dartmouth (2 admits) - Amy Ang (MBA at Tuck), Jia Hui

Duke (1 admit) - Samantha Lee

Georgia Tech (1 admit) - Puayen

Hamilton (1 admit) - Grace Liew

Harvard (2 admits) - Lin Lee (PhD), Jia Hui

Haverford (1 admit) - Kartik

Indiana (4 admits) - Fu Han, Lixian, Arshad, Hafiz

John Hopkins (1 admit and 3 wait lists) - Sabrina Lim Shin Jing (Wait List: Jia Mun, Sivapratha, Wan xin)

MIT (2 admits) - Lin Lee (PhD), Ooi Boon Teik

Mount Holyoke (1 admit) - chyen

Northwestern (6 admits and 5 wait lists) - Mei Yueh, Chia Chyuan, Yoke Peng, Tong Wei, Josh Foo, Fiona (Wait List: Sabrina, Julia, Jia Mun, Claire, Chun How)

NYU (5 admits and 2 wait lists) - Su Ann, Vincent Ang, Wan Xin, Wai Kar Leng, Samantha Lee (Wait List: Yi Xiang, Eu Win)

Ohio (1 admit) - Puayen

Princeton (2 admits) - Ming Loong, Jia Hui

Purdue (1 admit) - Puayen, Zihong

Rice (1 admit) - Sabrina

Stanford (4 admits and 2 wait lists) - Lin Lee (PhD), Mei Yueh, Jin Tik, Timothy (Wait List: Chia Chyuan, Sivapratha)

Swarthmore (2 admits) - Su Ann, Zhong Liang

Texas-A&M (1 admit) - Puayen

Texas-Austin (1 admit) - Puayen

UCLA (2 admits) - Sivapratha, Aimran

UIUC (5 admits) - Jonathan Lee Liang Hoong, Jian Wei, Basyirah, Arshad, Lixian

UMich (1 admit) - Zihong

UPenn (6 admits, 3 wait lists) - Su Ann, Josh, Samantha, Sabrina, Cher Hao, Eu Win (Wait List: Amy Ang (MBA), Fu Han, Pui Yin)

Vassar (1 admit) - Kartik

Virginia (2 admits) - Wei Ken, Aimran

Washington, St. Louis (1 admit, 2 wait lists) - Jia Hui (Wait List: Sian Hong, Wan Xin)

Wesleyan (1 admit) - Jia Hui

Yale (1 admit) - Ee Lynn (Early Decision)
Click here to read more of Chen Chow's posts

Would encourage any of my blog readers to share with me any event that you come across. As long as the event/activity/initiative is education/charity/youth oriented and is not-for-profit, I would be more than happy to post it to share!


Anonymous said...

who's the jiahui and where is he from? any news bout him? CONGRATZ to jiahui.

and hu's Kartik? CONGRATZ too. where is he from?

Anonymous said...

perhaps it should be noted too that jia hui asked for a lot of aid, rendering his chances significantly tougher. well done.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to all Malaysians who got into all these great universities! I'm sure they'll do Malaysia proud over there in the States :D

Anonymous said...

But jia hui applied to harvard and princeton, which are international need blind schools. The financial status doesnt affect the chances of getting admitted. However, the fact that both harv n prince are international need-blind schools means basically the whole world applied to these schools. Note that the toughness of the competition is not caused by the fact that he asked for financial aids but caused by th fact that these schools are to willing to give out financial aids. *Just want to make things clear. Anyway, CONGRATZ to jia hui and the rest!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone! Thank you for your well wishes - I'm now having a difficult time deciding. :) The congratulations mean a lot, and they must go out to the people and forces that make and break me.

And all the best everyone!

Anonymous said...

It's Johnssss Hopkins!