Monday, July 06, 2009

Inviting Malaysian Mensans to connect with Indian Mensans

Got this mail from Pradyot from Mensa India. If any of you are interested, do check out this site!


The hIghQ Plaza - Meet Mensan Minds is a discussion forum for mensans worldwide. It is an open forum and its differentiator is that topics are organized by subject (technology, puzzles, trivia, books, travel & adventure among others) so that people can easily find, read, and contribute to areas of their interest.

The plaza was started a few years ago and has so far been restricted in membership, primarily to Mensa India.

However, the plaza is now open to all mensans worldwide, and as a first step towards making the membership more global, I'd like to invite members of Mensa Malaysia to join. Membership is free and I believe that having a global membership base will benefit all members.

The plaza is at and registering takes less than a minute:

I request you to forward this to the Malaysia Mensans mailing group and should you have any questions/ clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with me. Thank you and I look forward to seeing members from Malaysia on the plaza soon!

A bit about me: I've been a Mensan since 2001 with Mensa India. I was the co-founder of Mensa India (Hyderabad) and the former secretary for Mensa India (Bangalore). The national secretary of Mensa India, Mr. Nirav Sanghavi, can vouch for my credentials, if required.

Best Regards,

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