Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Forbes US Colleges Ranking

Thanks to my loyal anonymous blog reader for sharing this article.

This is regarding the ranking of top US universities by Forbes. You can read the details here .

The methodology is as follow:-
1. Listings of Alumni in the 2008 edition of Who's Who in America (12.5%)

2. Salaries of Alumni from (12.5%)

3. Student Evaluations from (25%)

4. Four-Year Graduation Rates (16.66%)

5. Students Receiving Nationally Competitive Awards (8.33%)

6. Faculty Receiving Awards for Scholarship and Creative Pursuits (5%)

7. Four-year Debt Load for Typical Student Borrowers (20%)

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Charis said...

Haha, is this the list that puts Cornell at #200-something and Brown and Dartmouth at #70-something and #80-something respectively?

25% from Come on.

Chen Chow said...

Yeah, Charis. That's the list.