Came across several interesting initiatives recently.
Friday, October 05, 2012 ,,
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:52 AM
Thursday, September 27, 2012
3rd Malaysia SUDOKU Championship
Message from Yee Dian, who is from Malaysia SUDOKU Society!
Posted by
Chen Chow
5:21 PM
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
Brown University & UPenn Talk on 27th September
Posted by
Chen Chow
12:28 PM
Sunday, May 06, 2012
Klarissa Khor - Experience of ASEAN Scholarship
Klarissa Khor has written down the experience of her ASEAN Scholarship, from the application process to life as a scholar in Singapore.
Posted by
Chen Chow
10:15 PM
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Scientific Malaysian
Scientific Malaysian - Press Kit
Scientific Malaysian ( was set up in July 2011 as a platform to establish a global network of Malaysian scientific researchers to foster discourse as well as collaboration, regardless of affiliation and discipline, be they the pure sciences (biologists, chemists, physicists, etc) or applied sciences (engineers, biomedical scientists, etc). Researchers and administrators from the scientific research industries are also invited to participate and contribute ideas and viewpoints from the industrial perspective.
The missions of Scientific Malaysian are as follow:
· To provide a platform for the Malaysian scientific community across the world to discuss general scientific and research issues;
· To represent the voice of the Malaysian scientific community across the world;
· To provide valuable collective ideas in hopes of improving scientific research and development in Malaysia;
· To promote research collaborations or knowledge-sharing within the scientific community (both local and overseas Malaysian researchers) and/or with industries; and
· To inspire and provide guidance for early stage Malaysian researchers.
Scientific Malaysian aims to achieve the above missions through several approaches:
· An online portal that facilitates ongoing discussion on scientific research;
· A magazine ( that provides coverage of the latest research and development ventures undertaken by Malaysian scientific researchers; and
· Talks by Malaysian scientists/engineers at academic and research institutions around the world.
Scientific Malaysian is currently fully administered by volunteers. Interested participants can contact the administrators at
Posted by
Chen Chow
8:00 PM
Saturday, April 21, 2012
2012年「海外傑青匯中華」活動現已開始接受報名 China Synergy Programme for Outstanding Youth 2012 is calling for application
延續著「了解現代中國,認識文化根源」的宗旨,「海外傑青匯中華」活動在完成十屆尋根之旅後,相隔一年,推出首個全新活動 -「企業行」。
走過三十年改革開放,中國發展進入全新時期。「十二五」規劃發佈後,各地區發展開始面臨轉型升級的重要議題,而「國家中長期人才發展規劃綱要 (2010-2020)」也對人才的培養和引進提出了新的目標和更優惠的政策,這些都為海內外華裔人才在中國的發展提供了廣闊的空間。借 此機遇,「海外傑青匯中華」再次為歷屆成員提供一個新的平台,通過「企業行」,讓成員有機會深入考察各地區行業發展的最新動向,理解現 狀,尋找機遇。
活動現定於2012年9月16日至21日開展。考慮到各屆成員之年齡、工作經驗存在差異,爲保證成員間交流、合作的共識,籌委會特別設計兩條線路。兩條線 路都會結合當地發展重點,分別安排考察活動;最後,兩條線路匯聚北京,參加高峰論壇,與當地企業和官員進行交流。
線路一: 廣東 - 上海 - 北京 (適合第一至六屆成員報名);
線路二: 四川(暫定成都)- 北京 (適合第七至十屆成員報名)。
本次行程中,在內地的相關交通、食宿費用仍與往屆一樣,由籌委會承擔,成功入選者只需自行負責往來原居地至中國的交通、簽證、保險及個人零用等費用。為表 示對參與此次活動的誠意,入選者另須繳付200美元(約1300元人民幣)作為參與活動的承諾,將不獲發還。活動名額有限,現只接受歷屆 「海外傑青匯中華」成員報名,截止日期為2012年4月30日,報名方式請瀏覽官方網站( ) 。 如活動有任何建議和查詢,歡迎通過電郵 與我們聯繫。
「海外傑青匯中華」活動即將揭開嶄新篇章,我們希望新階段活動能得到成員踴躍報名,並請各位繼續協助,將此招募信息轉發給你身邊的其他成員,與你的昔日好 友一起,重新踏上「傑青」的旅程!
China Synergy Programme for Outstanding Youth 2012 is calling for application!
To live up to our motto "Learn More About China and Chinese Culture", now we have the first and a brand new programme – "Meet the world of China Enterprises", after the 10th anniversary of China Synergy Programme for Outstanding Youth.
It is a brand new time for China after 30 years of reform and opening up. Transformation and advancement needs to be started afresh across all regions since the launch of the 12th Five-Year Plan. The "National Medium-and long-term Talent Development Plan (2010-2020)" has defined new targets and offered more favourable policies for setting a better scene for the return of overseas Chinese. CSP would again like to provide a new and salient platform through "Meet the world of China Enterprises" for the alumni to better understand the development of different sectors and industry updates, and hence identify potentials and opportunities for future maneuver.
The programme will be held on 16th – 21st September 2012. The organizing committee has planned two routes to better fit your ages, diverse professional experiences aiming to facilitate the dynamics and collaborations in the group. Whilst both routes will visit places of local development focuses, all alumni will assemble in Beijing and join the forum to meet with the enterprises and government officials.
Route1: Guangdong-Shanghai-Beijing (available for alumni from CSP1-CSP6);
Route2: Sichuan (tentative Chengdu)-Beijing (available for alumni from CSP7-CSP10);
As what we have been providing, the organizing committee will cover all domestic transportation and lodging costs. Selected delegates will need to pay for their own international transportation to China, visa, insurance and out-of- pocket expenses. Delegates will also need to pay a non-refundable USD 200 (approximately RMB 1300) as a participation fee. Apply while seats last and this programme is only opened to CSP alumni. The application deadline is 30th April 2012. For application details, please visit our official website For enquiries and feedback, you are welcome to write us to
The Chine Synergy Programme for Outstanding Youth is about to turn a page. We wish to see your continuous support and application. Share this message with your CSP friends, and join us for a memorable CSP journey!
China Synergy Programme for Outstanding Youth Office
20th April 2012
Posted by
Chen Chow
10:16 AM
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Senior Year Research - Jian Wei
Got this request from Jian Wei to reach out to you all.
Malay version:
Mandarin version:
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:31 PM
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Sharing from Suet Li from Teach for Malaysia
i immediately regretted doing that. am i out of my mind?? here i am, struggling with everything as it is, and i have no idea if i am mentally or physically capable of pushing so far. they live pretty far away and some live quite deep into the villages, about 30 mins from where i live. but i remember Rakis, my orang asli kid's face and the conversation i had with him yesterday. he used to be a really happy kid, but the past few months he's been very sullen and angry all the time. he said it's cause he can't understand anything, and i can't give my attention to him cos everyone else is crying for help/running around beating people. rakis needs help, and i'm at my wits' end as to how to help him.
so i started with him and a few of my weakest but less misbehaving boys. i got them from their village and it was nice to see them waiting for me by the roadside in the darkness, with their backpacks and jeans and best shirt and eager smile. we had a very productive night reading peter and jane and reviewing stuff learned in school. this pic is of rakis reading with utmost concentration, and he was SUPER focused the entire time i just wanted to hug him and tell him that he's doing great.
when i sent them back, we listened to hitz fm and had a karaoke session in the car (mostly me singing haha). they were bickering about what was the singer singing, "cikgu itu "happy" kan?" "bukanlah "here" lah!" "bukan lah "him" lah!" (the word was "hero" but that's beside the point). then, i met some of their parents. some were nonchalant and didn't care where their kid was, some were very appreciative. but they all had one similarity: they all came from homes that are very not conducive to learning. dilapidated, noisy, dirty..
i drove home drained from the long day but i could still hear their voices in my car. it's defining moments like this that made me realize that they're worth pushing myself for, even if i have to start from scratch, from peter and jane book 1a."
Posted by
Chen Chow
3:39 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2012
MIT Club of Malaysia - Free Undergraduate Admissions Talk
MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (MIT) CLUB OF MALAYSIA will give a free undergraduate admissions talk for students (parents also welcomed) who wish to apply to MIT this year or in 1-2 years.
The talk is to be held at the Royal Selangor Golf Club, Jln Kelab Golf (off Jln Tun Razak), 55000 Kuala Lumpur at 1030am-12 pm, Sat 14 April 2012. Strict Dress code: Smart casual.
MIT Educational Counselors and Alumni in Malaysia will share with the audience about MIT campus life, what MIT offers, what to prepare for applications to MIT, Financial Aid. Malaysian students at MIT (through video conferencing) and admitted students to MIT this year are also invited to share their experience with the participants.
Please visit and for additional information on MIT, application procedures and financial aid. Details: htewe AT alum DOT mit DOT edu
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:00 PM