Thanks to John for the links below.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Links to Various University Rankings
Posted by
Chen Chow
3:43 PM
WSJ article on the importance of critical thinking to employers
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this.
Posted by
Chen Chow
3:10 PM
Twitter on US Education Scholarships
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this.
Posted by
Chen Chow
2:57 PM
Liberal Arts College
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this.
Posted by
Chen Chow
2:50 PM
Friday, September 24, 2010
Prof. Ben Leong's Articles
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing on this.
Posted by
Chen Chow
1:05 AM
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Harvard doctorate in educational leadership
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:46 PM
Sharing from a Malaysian Johnnie
Thanks to Guan Tyng for sharing on his experience studying there at St. John's College.
Well, after having the class here for a week, I found that St. John's College is really for me and I love it so much. It is a truly liberal arts college and you get to learn the fundamental stuffs in every field.
Instead of learning the cutting edge technologies or getting informed with the current issues, we grill on the ancient knowledge and wisdom; instead of getting all the iinformation in the class from a single professor, we have 15 - 20 voices sharing our views around the table; instead of learning the definitive
answers/solutions, we are asked to ask questions and to question answers, even the notions given by Plato, Socrates, Euclid and Aristotle.
Every Monday and Thursday, everyone in St. John's attend seminar for 2 hours to discuss deeply about a certain reading with 2 tutors. For instance, the Freshmen are reading Iliad by Homer, Sophomores are now drilling somewhere in The Bible, Juniors are trying to find some sense from Descartes and the Seniors are facing the Faust by Goethe. In the past few seminars that I had, we have a few very fundamental yet interesting questions: What is justice? What is pride? What is honor? Why would dishonoring enrage human?
In my first laboratory classes, I was pretty surprised. Our tutor (we call them "tutor" because they are not there to profess their ideas but to guide.) brought us to a meadow nearby and ask us to find something that interests us to draw for an hour, if we can, about life and death. The purpose of drawing was not training us to become artists but to cultivate our power of observation. After a 15 minutes of looking an a certain thing (for me, it was a plant), we got bored very easily. But, we took our time to draw as real as we could and eventually, we found something which we didn't notice at the first few minutes of observation. After the practice, we were asked to show our drawings and discuss about them. From the discussion, we all get to know about different perspectives of how people see life and death. The tutor even asked questions like: Why are these plants having a certain kind of pattern? Why are the leafs and flowers arranged in a certain order (e.g. in the order of Fibonacci Numbers)? Is this the work of Nature or is it just our mind searching for the orders to be satisfied? and goess on... Albeit we did not conclude on these questions, but we had at least, shared our different views and different ideas on the questions rose. We were also encouraged to present our doubts to the class so that everyone learn from the perplexity itself.
Besides the two classes above, I also attend Language Classes which I learn Ancient Greek and Math Classes which we started on Euclid's Element. Instead of having an experienced tutor who just gives out idea to us, the tutor sort of learn together with us. The tutor can be from a totally different field of study and those who are inexperienced in the field that they are teaching, they will participate as a student to learn with us but also guide the class to perform in a constructive way. Another very interesting class that I have now is the Freshman Music, which only takes a class per week. This class is designed to prepare the Freshman to be able to take up the Sophormore Music Classes. Now, we start to sing in Greek and discuss about the fundamentals of music and etc.
On top of everything, if you haven't notice it, every classes in my Freshman Year is related to Greek, to some extend respectively. To clarify, every classes in St. John's is all required and there will be no options for every single students here. The only thing that is optional is the Preceptorials, in which students in Junior Year and the Senior Year will choose a certain reading and work on it together with a tutor.
Another interesting about St. John's is that, we have no final papers/exams and we do not review our performances based on grades. Instead, we will have a review session together with our tutor which we call the Don Rag and the tutor will give us advice in how to improve ourselves, either in reading, writing and speaking. Though, we all do have a conservative grades but those are only given to the student upon request and mostly for the purpose of scholarships, internships, loans, career or graduate school application. Generally, St. John's students do not work for grade but for their learning experience.
Oh... It's really late now. I really need to get some rest.
Thank you for your time to read and also your advices that I have got from you.
Best wishes,
Guan Tyng, Tan
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:36 PM
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Fascinating Economist article about US tertiary education ...
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:59 AM
Forget What You Know About Good Study Habits (excerpts)
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this article.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:32 AM
Nine Common Errors When Building a New World-Class University - a piece by World Bank specialist Jamil Salmi
by Jamil Salmi (World Bank tertiary education specialist:,3343,en_21571361_38973579_40356723_1_1_1_1,00.html)
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:18 AM
Sunday, September 12, 2010
AYA Awards 2010 Finalists
Thanks to loyal blog contributor for sharing on this AYA Awards.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:55 PM
Join the Amazing Sri Nibong Hunt - 16 Sept (Thurs)
Thanks to Krista for sharing this.
To add on to this year's Hari Malaysia celebration in Taman Sri Nibong (Penang)
I'm pleased to announce that we are organizing a fun event called
The Amazing Sri Nibong Hunt on the morning of 16 Sept.
With prizes worth RM4,500 up for grabs, this walk-a-hunt has been
made possible with help from Jay of the Webmazers (who is setting the
questions for the hunt) as well as generous companies and sponsors
such as Tropical Spice Garden, Mizz Studio, Langkawi Online, Penang Adventist
Hospital, Priority Fitness, La Herballe, Penang Passion and lots more.
Please help spread the news about this hunt.
The hunt is free to join and open to all Malaysians, whether you live in Taman Sri Nibong or not.
Get your entry form from:
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:39 PM
Japanese Young Leaders' Program
Below is the info from loyal contributor for my blog.
The Young Leaders' Program
Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy (ICS), is one of five designated universities in Japan participating in a scholarship program sponsored by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Monbukagakusho), called the Young Leaders' Program (YLP).
The primary objectives of the Young Leaders' Program are as follows:
To foster the development of future national leaders in Asian and other countries
To create comprehensive networks of government and business leaders in the international community
To contribute to the establishment of friendly relations among Asian and other countries, including Japan
The YLP offers promising young business and government leaders from Asian and other countries the opportunity to study in Japan at a Master's level in one of the following disciplines:
- Business Management Course: Hitotsubashi University, Graduate School of International Corporate Strategy (ICS)
- School of Government Course: National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS)
- Local Government Course: Kobe University
- Medical Administration Course: Nagoya University
- Law Course: Kyushu University
The MBA (Masters of Business Administration) program at Hitotsubashi ICS is designed to prepare students for work in the private sector. Courses focus on strategy, marketing, accounting/finance, etc. All classes are taught in English, and in contrast with other designated universities, YLP participants at Hitotsubashi ICS are completely integrated into the regular program; in other words, they must follow the same academic calendar and meet exactly the same academic requirements as all other students. As a consequence, YLP participants experience a very intensive and challenging curriculum at Hitotsubashi ICS.
In terms of eligibility for the MBA program, YLP applicants must have at least three years of work experience and be under 35 years of age as of September 1st of each academic year. They must also be undergraduate degree holders, or higher, with a good command of English-a desired minimum TOEFL score of 600, or TOEFL-CBT score of 250-and a guideline GMAT score of 600. In addition, all applicants must obtain permission for a leave of absence from their workplace.
Hitotsubashi ICS can accept a maximum number of 15 eligible YLP candidates each year from the following target countries: Australia, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:33 PM
Another criterion for choosing college campuses :)
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing with me the following article.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:26 PM
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
ReMag for ReCom
Congratulations to Yizhen Fung (Editor), Ian Chew (Assistant Editor), See Hua, Young Yew, contributors to the articles for the maiden issue of ReMag and all who have helped for launching the maiden issue of ReMag - The voice of Malaysian Students on 1st September 2010.
Thanks for bringing to life ReMag, the ReCom Magazine!
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:46 PM
Articles - Advice to University Student
Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing these 2 links of articles.
Posted by
Chen Chow
11:23 PM
Thanks to Adelene Lai for sharing on this site which has various perspective on college.
Posted by
Chen Chow
12:00 AM