Sunday, November 22, 2009

Useful tool for gauging fit between student and colleges?

Thanks to my loyal blog contributor for sharing this. I haven't gotten time to check it out. Do check it out and share your feedback.


The college process doesn't have to be so stressful. MyFit is a Facebook Application and website for students and families to get evidence-based answers to their questions about fitting in, acceptance, and whether or not they are suited for a given college.

The American college admission process is inefficient: both colleges as well as students suffer from a dramatic lack of information. Colleges attempt to gap this with massive prospecting budgets; the students stress out and often end up making suboptimal decisions. MyFit is a Facebook Application and a website for students and families to enter their personal backgrounds and access our comprehensive research and sophisticated forecasting engine, the QMS, share their experience with friends, and connect with a community of applications going through the same process.

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