Thursday, March 12, 2009

3rd BRAND'S Thailand International Sudoku Open 2009 & Online Sudoku Puzzles

A note from Mr Bala, Managing Director of


Dear Sudoku Enthusiasts,

Good news for Sudoku. There is yet another Sudoku Competition coming up, this time in Thailand. It is open to all and would probably attract more participants than the Brand's Inaugural Asia Pacific Open, held in Singapore, last year. 12 Malaysians participated in Singapore amongst 53 from Asia. As you can see on our website, they did pretty well.

Whereas all puzzles used at the Asian Open were Classic Sudoku Puzzles, the Thai Open will feature a number of Sudoku Variations. Some of our players are already familiar with many of the variations used in the World Sudoku Championship. There will be others like the recent addition to our Malaysian Champion's list, Mohd Farhan Hassin from Kelantan, studying in Sungei Petani, Kedah, who mastered Samurai Sudoku within a year to win the recently concluded MSIG Samurai Sudoku Challenge.

Please forward this information to all Sudoku enthusiasts you know and on Facebook etc. so that more Malaysians will get to know and try out the variations and prepare to face the Global Challengers. Malaysia Boleh!

There are thousands, or even tens of thousands of Malaysians playing Sudoku, but most of them do not participate in competitions, as they do not know how good they are or how they would fare in a competition.

We have a solution for this situation. My webmaster has compeleted the design and uploaded the Online Sudoku Puzzles (Classic) on . Currently, we have three levels of difficulty. Please register and play and let your friends know. We will build up a Leader Board of the top 100 players and  each registered player will also have his/her Personal Record, so that everyone can keep track of their progress and also compete on the Leader Board. You will have a choice to opt not to be placed on the LB.  We will create different categories of Leader Boards to cater for various levels, later,

Initially, the puzzles will be generated randomly. When we have a sizeable group of players, we will put up pre-selected puzzles daily or weekly for a new ("Sponsor") Leader Board which would also entitle players to win prizes monthly. We will also have an Annual Onsite Showdown for the top 100 on both Leader Boards. These are plans yet to be finalised. We would appreciate your feedback and comments by email, or post your comments on the website.

Meanwhile, play online on our homegrown website and have fun. You are the people who made it happen. Please tell us what improvements you would like.

The champions amongst you, look out for addititonal information, which we will  post on the website, when we get more information from the organiser, Nuttakrit of Thailand. Those who wish to be notified please communicate by email.


Managing Director. Sdn. Bhd.

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